
Wang Hongyan

  • 姓名:

    Wang Hongyan

  • 性别:

  • 出生年月:

    November 1962

  • 职称:


  • 导师类型:

    PhD Tutor

  • 研究方向:

    Vehicle Engineering

  • 在研课题:

  • 电子邮箱:

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  • 通讯地址:


Dr. Wang Hongyan, professor, Ph.D. Born in November 1962, Harbin, Heilongjiang. He studied at the Department of Automotive Engineering of Jilin University of Technology and the Department of Automotive Engineering of Tongji University. 8 times in the past 10 years at the Braunschweig University of Technology, Stuttgart University, Ford Motor Company, Taike Marco, Dresden University of Technology, Federal German Highway Administration, Korbenschmidtpil Borg and other training and participation as a senior visiting scholar. He has served as a assistant, engineer and body research director of the Shanghai Automotive Research Institute, and a lecturer, associate professor and professor of the Automotive Department of Tongji University. He is also a council member of the Shanghai Automotive Engineering Society and the director of the Safety Subcommittee of the Shanghai Automotive Engineering Society.
Has long been engaged in the teaching and research work of automotive vehicle engineering. The main research direction is the safety of automobile body structure.